Ezine Article by Jane Thompson

Five Relaxation Techniques For Fibromyalgia

By Jane Thompson

One of the biggest problems fibromyalgia sufferers face is the escalation of their fatigue and painful symptoms, which is caused by the emotional and physical stress of their condition. Thus, since stress can worsen symptoms, to help control the way you feel, try engaging in relaxation therapy techniques.

Relaxation therapy helps a person achieve emotional, spiritual and physical relaxation. Most of the techniques for this therapy involve the simultaneous use of the mind and body. The goal is to attain deep relaxation by combining concentration with breathing exercises or specific body movements.

Relaxation helps reduce the affects of stress which can cause a rise in blood pressure and heart rate. Relaxation also helps encourage oxygen flow through the entire body, which heals damaged muscles.

Relaxation therapy can be extremely effective when it comes to reducing fibromyalgia symptoms. In fact, it has been proven that relaxation can reduce depression and anxiety, as well as the duration and intensity of migraines.
The following are 5 relaxation techniques you can try to help alleviate the symptoms of fibromyalgia:

1. Deep Breathing - This is an exercise that helps eliminate stress by providing your body with more oxygen. Without sufficient oxygen, your body cannot function with efficiency and will increase pain. Deep breathing relaxation techniques are about focusing on inhaling and exhaling.

You can do these exercises on your own either sitting or standing. Begin by slowly inhaling through your nose and continue until your stomach expands. Hold your breath for 3 seconds and then slowly exhale through your mouth. It's best to repeat this exercise three times per day for ten minute sessions.

2. Meditation - Meditation allows the body and mind to achieve relaxation simultaneously. There are different types of meditation, but one of the more popular types is focused concentration. This meditation involves the repetition of a sound or word, or focusing on breathing to clear the mind.

To begin, sit on the floor or chair and close your eyes. Focus on repeating a positive word you like, or breathing (inhaling/exhaling). Do your best to remain as still as possible as you concentrate, and remain in the meditative state for 20 minutes.

3. Progressive Muscle Relaxation - Progressive muscle relaxation is an easy technique that works on every major muscle group in the body. It aids in decreasing tension in your muscles while it strengthens them. It can be done while sitting down or lying in bed.

Begin by tensing the muscles in your feet and hold it for a count of 8. Release the contraction and relax your muscles. Continue this same contraction method for all your major muscle groups in your body all the way to your head. When you have finished, your entire body with be totally relaxed.

4. Yoga - Yoga is a popular exercise that involves a combination of physical and mental practices to help attain total relaxation. Yoga teaches you to control your breathing while you focus on stretching and relaxing your body's major muscle groups.

As far as fibromyalgia is concerned, the best form of Yoga is Hatha yoga. This is a form of Yoga that concentrates on particular movements and poses to center the body and mind. You can choose to do Yoga on your own with the aid of video or books, or you can attend a local class.

5. Personal Sanctuary - Escaping to a positive stress-free environment when you are tense is a great way to induce relaxation. You can create your own "personal sanctuary" in your home. This may mean going to your garden, or creating a special corner in your bedroom that is filled with all of the colors and happy items you like and enjoy.

By simply spending a few moments in your special space, you'll be amazed at how rejuvenated you will feel.

Next just head on over to Eliminating Fibromyalgia to sign up for a FREE newsletter and to discover 6 additional ways to manage and relieve fibromyalgia symptoms naturally.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jane_Thompson