My Back Hurts!

My back is hurting this morning and I have to go to work. I currently am not taking any strong pain medications for my fibromyalgia so I have taken 2 Alieve and have done some stretching. I hope this will help me get through my day at my job.

Here are a few exercises that may help you or someone you know with back pain:

Back Pain Exercises

Exercises that specifically target your back can help to alleviate pain. This is because exercises help to strengthen your back muscles, pulling your spine back into alignment. Be careful not to overdo it with these exercises, however. Stick to five repetitions of each:

* Curl Up: This exercise strengthens the abdominals and lower back. Lie flat on the floor with your legs bent at a 45° angle. Slowly curl your chest and shoulders towards your knees, keeping your arms outstretched. Stop when your hands can touch you knees.
* Upper Body Extension: This exercise strengthens the muscles in your upper back. Lie on your stomach with a pillow placed under your hips. Clasp your hands behind your lower back and slowly lift your upper chest off the ground.
* Arm-Leg Extension: This exercise helps to realign your spine, relieving pressure on your lower back. Get on all fours. Raise one arm in front of you and raise the opposite leg behind you. Repeat with the other arm and leg.

Read more at this site:

Have a Great day!